Learn how to effectively implement health and safety policies and procedures for employees. It covers hazard analysis, interpreting regulations, and understanding regulatory agencies.
This course is designed to be completed over 40 hours and you will have 1 year to complete. It covers the OSHA policies, procedures and standards, as well as general industry safety and health principles. Special emphasis is placed on those areas that are most hazardous, using OSHA standards as a guide. There are several online exercises and assignments that you will need to complete before moving onto the next module. At the beginning of each module you will have to read through the student text and complete the assignments. The textbook is downloadable or you may purchase a printed copy from Lulu Publishing.
Once you have completed all assignments and exercises with a final course exam of 80% or better, you will need to request your certificate.
The course is broken into six units.
Unit I
- Introduction to OSHA
- Basic Chemistry and Toxicology
- Hazard Communication
Unit II
- Confined Spaces
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Hazardous Energy (LO/TO)
- Bloodborne Pathogens
Unit III
- Noise Exposure
- Hand and Portable Powered Tools
- Machine Guarding
Unit IV
- Electrical Hazards
- Fall Protection
- Walking Working Surfaces
Unit V
- Fire Protection
- Emergency Action Plan
- Evacuation Procedures
Unit VI
- Powered Industrial Lift Trucks (Forklifts)
- Hot Work Permits
- Ergonomics
Tuition: $395.00 or as low as $55 per month