March 9, 2025



The founding members of Occupational Safety Training Institute (OSTI) recognized the need for quality, practical, hands-on safety training for all levels of safety professionals, from the novice to the seasoned safety veteran. In 2006, the OSTI a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization was formed.  At OSTI we believe in carrying this beyond the dedicated safety professionals, to all of your employees.

Therefore, training was expanded to providing safety awareness training for new as well as the seasoned employees.  Under an agreement with several colleges, OSTI’s professionally prepared curriculum, course graduates may apply for college credit and continuing education units (CEUs) towards their selected degree. We now have a 15+ year track record in providing quality hands-on training to employees and employers with certifications and continuing educations units.

Mission Statement: Provide cost effective, professional occupational safety training to private businesses, municipalities, and other organizations regardless of size.

The OSTI quickly becoming the a leader in occupational safety training and education. This ambitious achievement was reached through an unwavering commitment to excellence in education and an uncompromising adherence to sound business practices; our founders and staff hold themselves to only the highest expectations and standards.


Over the last few years our board members recognized a need to assist our temporary displaced* veterans and families.  Therefore, OSTI is developing a program to assist our nation’s forgotten heroes.  According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) estimates, there are 19,750 veterans and 131,377 families living on the streets on any given night.  Our objective is to transition these veterans and families to a level of self-sufficiency by providing housing, educational and eventually employment opportunities.  OSTI envisions is not a typical “homeless assistance” program.  Our program will initially provide housing, clothing, food, education, and entertainment in a unique residential and commercial community.

*We have chosen the phrase “Temporary Displaced” over “Homeless” believing that the phrase is more positive; whereas the phrase “Homeless” denotes and has the appearance of a negative image.

Our plan to offer our programs in an environment unlike any other, designed to provide not only academic learning but practical experience in our residents chosen profession.  Our overall business goal is to position ourselves as a recognized leader in assisting our residents with the training and experience to fulfill their dream of financial independence.

At first this program may appear too tall a dream!  However, as veterans ourselves, we are accustomed to achieving the unachievable and we remain dedicated to and are extremely optimistic this program will surely succeed.

There are two components to our overall plan: the “OSTI” a Vocational / Training program and Legacy Junction ( the “Town”.  While the educational component must justify its own feasibility, Legacy Junction the Town is the economic driving force which will, in time, propel the success of the Educational Programming and Training portion.  Each will share a reciprocal continuity with the other; yet each will be and should be financially independent of the other.

In the furtherance of OSTI’s objectives, OSTI is creating a new venture to provide training and educational opportunities for displaced veterans and families at virtually no cost.  Legacy Junction and OSTI are both “Veteran operated business.”

One of our major goals for starting this project is to build a business that will survive off its own cash flow without the need for injecting finance from government sources once the business is officially running.  We know that one of the ways of gaining approval and winning customers (residents and visitors alike) over is to ensure that we offer nothing less than the best, to offer quality education to all our residents so much so that they can favorably compete with other businesses.  For our visitors, through various educational programs, they will find that Legacy Junction is an invaluable learning experience that will make them want to return again and again.